Global-N Temperature Cycling Chambers


Grupa urządzeń


The Global N chambers manufactured by the ESPEC Company was designed for making tests in which the fast changes of the temperature is important. This kind of demands is most important parameter in automotive and electronic industry.


  • Four interior volumes: 380, 470, 800, and 1000 liters,
  • Minimal temperature -40 or -70 °C,
  • Maximum temperature +180 °C,
  • Relative Humidity control range from 10 to 95 %RH,
  • Possibility of changing temperature with speeds from 5 K/min to 20 K/min depends of the model,
  • Watercolled or Aircolled refrigeration system,,
  • P-300 touch-screen programmer with USB port,
  • Possibility of controlling temperature by using Specimen Temperature Measurement Sensor.

Opcje wyposażenia

  • Control of parameters in the test area by using Specimen Temperature Measurement Sensor,
  • Web Controller – full control of tests by using an internal network or Internet, sending informations about the stasus of the chamber by an e-mail,
  • System which allows to work in very low humidities,
  • System of shock-type of cooling by using a liquid Nitrogen,
  • Additional shelves and Cable ports.


Types and volumes:

Chambers with internal volume: 380 liters
Type Capacity Temperature control range Humidity control range Heat up rate Pull down rate
EGNX12-4CWL/4CAL 380 L   -70 to +180 °C

10 to 95 %RH 7 K/min  6 K/min
EGNX12-6CWL/6CAL 15 K/min  11 K/min
EGNX12-7.5CWL 15 K/min  15 K/min
-40 to +180 °C
10 K/min  8 K/min
EGNL12-6CWL/6CAL 15 K/min  12 K/min


Chambers with internal volume: 800 liters
Typ Capacity Temperature control range Humidity control rate Heat up rate Pull down rate
EGNX28-4CWL/4CAL 800 L   -70 to +180 °C

10 do 95 %RH 10 K/min  2.75 K/min
EGNX28-6CWL/6CAL 10 K/min  5.5 K/min
EGNX28-12CWL 15 K/min  12.5 K/min
EGNX28-15CW 20 K/min  20 K/min
-40 to +180 °C
10 K/min  4 K/min
EGNL28-6CWL/6CAL 10 K/min  8 K/min
EGNL28-7.5CWL 20 K/min 12 K/min
EGNL28-12CWL 20 K/min 15 K/min

NOTE. For all models, there are available chambers without controll of humidity (temperature chambers).

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